Saturday, August 6, 2011

Blog or don`t blog nobody cares already because.....

I just don`t know why or what`s the reason to blog if you don`t let readers read your blog. If you don`t want any people to read your blog, write it in your diary then~!My opinion, blogger should`nt have private invitation at the beginning.I bet lots of you guys would be mad if you see`s "This blog is open to invited readers only", don`t you?

Here`s why:We, the people whom care about someone else, would like to understand more about that someone, and while we`re trying to open a gate to explore that someone but that someone had locked that gate with a freaking ridicules LOCK! Its like a grown up people is trying hard to understand a 5 year-old thoughts, work hard to fulfil that kid`s demand, but ended up not sharing any of his toys with that man. In worse case, that kid demands more but be ungrateful about what he has. If we translate this a teenager`s point of view, its like a teenager was cursing the world "No one ever cares or understand me" while keeping his/her story burried like a treasure.鬼懂你的心声是吗?!!

I`m here to stand up for those guys who agree with me by these sentences below
"If you don`t dare to write a blog expose to public, then you should just express it to those that you wish to tell by using phone,etc...Or ,JUST DONT WRITE BLOG AT ALL~! We people would get so pissed off if we were`nt invited to your blog.Its like we do not deserve any attention at all."

or these as in chinese:
“如果你写了部落格之后,而我们“普通人”不受邀请,那你直接向你要发泄心事的对相发泄好了, 干嘛写部落格?!你这样的举动简直就像把我们当成不受关注的读者一样,目中无人。”

So, for those who keep us out from your blog, Please~. Open up. Share your thoughts. We would`nt judge your thoughts. By the way, Its your blog, your world. We have no right to judge what you`ve write beacause everything was ALL YOUR VOICE FROM HEART , we would respect that.=) So, think open. We`re not here to criticise you but to understand you more.If you still degil seperti keldai, then I`ve got nothing to say for you.

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