Thursday, August 4, 2011

A message to my best friend

Joel, my friend, I don`t know how having a girlfriend matters to you but, trust me, the moment when you said "反正我们不会做那种事情", Im sure that this word slips out with no guarantee.

Im not saying that christian should`nt have girlfriend around this age. What im pointing out is that you will FALL if you`re in a relationship with someone who`s not your wife ! Have you ever wanted to marry a woman whom kissed or has made "cookies" with other man? And have you ever think about how a woman feel when she found out that his husband had tons of relationship before and none of it was real. Can you guarantee that your marriage was THE REAL THING and not some child`s play by that time? I was blanked out when you said "我们现在中学的时候哦,就要开始吸取恋爱经验,改次才会比较顺". Yeah, I`ve get your point. Sure its fun and a enjoyable way to prepare yourself by trying on other girls in exchange for experience for your future date, and it seems harmless thought, but have you ever notice that "dating", was not a practice before the last hundred years and its also not performed before marriage? Let us see what "dating" means in wikipedia shall we? "Terms used to describe dating is two people trying out a relationship and exploring whether they're compatible by going out together in public as a couple, and who may or may not yet be having sexual relations, and this period of courtship is sometimes seen as a precursor to engagement or marriage." Precursor to engagement or marriage! Are you ready to marry the one you`re dating now? Then, what are you doing my friend? I still remember that you said to me "我们只是手拉手,手放腰罢了,没有什么的啦。". My friend, I know you hate to let me judge you but, you`ll fall! Im 100% guarantee that a hand hold will turn into a hug, a hug will proceed to a kiss and a kiss will link to something that we should`nt do before marriage! Don`t you dare telling me that you won`t fall!This process my friend, seems long but in fact, It`ll blind you when you fall for it and it could happen in just 1 day !And believe me, once you fall for the first step its hard to wake up!

The reason why you won`t notice the danger and wrongness within these signs because everybody`s doing it, the media shows is like it was a routine in everyone`s teenage life.These causes are actually brainwashing us, letting our guards down! So please, slap yourself in the face, realise that what you doing is unnecessarily childish and hurtful.Pray for God, ask him for his guidance! If you won`t pray, I`ll pray for you! Because that`s what best friends are for!

ps: This post was not only meant to let my friend JOEL see but also its meant for my DRAMA FRIENDS as well. Now, have you been awoken?


  1. Feel free to leave comments if you have another perspective or philosophy about this topic =)

  2. Wow, I didn't know you were so deep. But what you said is so very true. That Joel... Can't believe it. -_- BTW, I really think you should add a chatbox in your blog, easier to leave comments. AND YOUR BLOG IS REALLY INTERESTING AND FRESH! :D Your English and Mandarin improved TREMENDOUSLY (no offence :P), not bad. :) I might be stalking your blog so beware, muahahaha. TWO THUMBS UP FOR ALL YOUR GREAT POSTS. :)

  3. hey thx~ btw, you`re the only one who leave comments in this topic, thats bald~. Hmm....My language improved all thanks to blogger, it really force me to improve my language due to eagerness of expressing my thoughts !!! XD thx~
